Health & Life Skills

Nutrition & Life Lessons

Programs in this Core Program Area develop young people’s capacity to engage in positive behaviors that nurture their own well-being, set personal goals, and live successfully as self-sufficient adults.

Examples of programs in our Clubs:


This nationally acclaimed comprehensive prevention program helps young people resist alcohol, tobacco and other drug use, as well as premature sexual activity. The program features engaging, interactive small group activities designed to increase participants’ peer support, enhance their life skills, build their resiliency and strengthen their leadership skills. This year-round program encourages collaborations among Club staff, youth, parents and representatives from other community organizations. The program’s components include: SMART Kids, for children ages 6-9, Start SMART, for youth ages 10-12, Stay SMART, for youth ages 13-15.

Passport to Manhood

This program promotes and teaches responsibility and reinforces positive behavior in male Club members ages 8-17. Passport to Manhood consist of small-group sessions, each of which concentrates on a specific aspect of manhood through highly interactive activities. Each participant is issues his own “Passport” to underscore the notion that he is on a personal journey of maturation and personal growth. The curriculum is an excellent complement to SMART Girls.


An outgrowth of the popular SMART Moves program, SMART Girls is a health, fitness, prevention/education and self-esteem enhancement program for girls ages 8-17. The program focuses on issues specific to female Club members and is designed to encourage healthy attitudes and lifestyles that will enable those members to develop their full potential. From interactive role playing to more tailored mentoring, girls are given the opportunity to explore personal and societal values as they build skills for eating right, staying fit, getting good health care and developing positive relationships.